Trinity Operating Procedures - TOPs

TOP-MPSMM: MPS Maintenance and Control

Rev: 12/06/2017

Scope: This procedure covers the Machining Department review of product specifications and plans and the creation and update of Machining Procedure Specifications (MPSs) which control all Machining Department work operations, including welding. 


1 Machining Department Supervisor, Machining Superintendent or Machining Department Programmer Upon receiving Engineering Change Notice, drawing revision, specification, Purchase Order (PO) or other information that might affect the Job Order (JO) standardized process
Job Order, print or advice from Machinists or others; own observations Carefully review the information from a risk perspective and take action to mitigate any potential adverse effects or unintended consequences. Review new information and identify any questions which need to be resolved; work with any team member, customer or supplier as appropriate to resolve questions and reach agreement on what is needed in the Standard Router; determine how well the current Standard Router meets the needs identified; if any customer or reference specifications (other than dimensional) are involved notify QA Manager per TOP-TPSMM; ensure that there is a Standard Router Operation and Inspection Order set up for each machining operation, verify that all Inspection Orders clearly specify "who", "what", "how", "when", and "how many" for each operation; verify that all operational and inspection issues related to handling storage, packaging, preservation and delivery are covered.

NOTE REGARDING WELDING OPERATIONS; Welding is a "special" process whereby the results of the operation cannot be fully determined without destructive testing. For any welding operation the Standard Router must be specific concerning all details of the process (gage settings, amperage, wire, etc.) and of the welder's qualifications (team position).
2 Machining Department Clerk Upon receiving new information from Machining Department Supervisor, or feedback from machining department personnel Marked up Traveler with redlined changes, or new information Change Standard Router in M2M to reflect new info; print out and forward a copy of the updated Standard Router to Machining Department Supervisor or Machining Superintendent for review and approval (both new and updated Standard Routers get reviewed).

Note: The MPS spreadsheets are OBSOLETE and should NEVER be updated; they are for legacy knowledge ONLY.
3 Machining Department Supervisor or Machining Superintendent
Within 72 hours of receiving Standard Router change for review Standard Router; revised drawing, Customer Specification or other data deemed needed Review Standard Router versus specs and other documentation; for welding operations see note in step 1; if any problems found or potential need seen notify Forging Engineer or Machining Department Programmer, so note on Standard Router; if okay, approve Standard Router changes and route to Machining Department Clerk.
4 Machining Department Clerk Upon receiving revised Standard Router
Standard Router If problems noted on Standard Router, return to step 1 (or, if minor, step 2); if approved, send Standard Router to Machining Department Programmer if CNC Program changes are potentially required.
5 Machining Department Programmer Upon receiving revised Standard  Router Traveler; input from Machining Department LeadmanMachining Department Programmer, or Forging Engineer Change CNC Programs as necessary per TOP-MORDR to reflect Standard Router change.

Revision history:

Release Date

Description of Change




Updated to comply with revised Quality Manual and new TOPs format.

Tim Ellis

Todd Sheppard

Documents are controlled only when viewed on-line at in the original English -- printed copies or translations are not controlled documents.
? Trinity Forge & Machine