Trinity Operating Procedures - TOPs

TOP-IMPTL: Improving Tooling & Process

Rev: 12/06/2017

Scope: This procedure covers the actions taken by production management to improve tooling, material size and the forging process. It is divided up into three sections, any of which may pertain in a given instance. The first run of a die sometimes involves all three of the sections.


a1 Foreman* As determine the material size used on a job could be improved Personal observation; possibly discussion with Forging Engineer; Tooling Program Change die info and notify Forging Engineer of steel changes needed via e-mail or IPR
a2 Forging Engineer

Upon receiving notification and report via email Email notification from Foreman regarding steel changes needed. Tooling Program; Verify feasibility of material size specified on message; if okay, update information in M2M, Tooling Program; if size feasible (unavailable or uneconomical) resolve material size with Foreman*
b1 Foreman* Upon determining that tooling needs improvement (either because it has deteriorated from use or because means of improving quality, reliability or economics have been identified) Dies, flashings, sample parts, QC reports, etc. Determine the extent of modification needed to the die or other tooling
b2 Foreman* If change can easily be made in forge shop by Foreman Decision from step b1 Make change to die; if the problem was due to the way the die was (re)sunk, or is new idea, provide Forging Engineer and Die Shop Supervisor a Die Improvement Slip
b3 Foreman* If change requires Die Shop help Decision from step b1 Have dies or other tooling pulled out and sent to Die Shop; tell Forging Engineer, Die Shop Supervisor or Die Shop Leadman what is required
b4 Die Shop Leadman, or Die Specialist As requested by Foreman* Verbal request Make changes as quickly as possible then notify production (if repair looks to take longer than one shift, or if it must be sent to an outside supplier, notify Foreman of delay); if work is an attempt to improve tooling, give the Forging EngineerDie Improvement Slip and/or a marked up Print or Die Layout showing the changes clearly.
b5 Foreman* After repaired die returned by Die Shop Notification from Die Shop Check changes to die.
b6 Foreman* If change requires die resink or rework by outside die shop Decision from step b1 Have dies or other tooling pulled out and sent to Die Shop; tell Forging Engineer (or Die Shop Leadman what is required and provide IPR to Forging Engineer via e-mail, with a copy to Customer Service Representative, VP-Manufacturing , and Die Shop Supervisor.
b7 Engineer or Die Shop Leadman As requested by Foreman* IPR Verify that die does need resinking; if not, get back with Foreman and discuss proper actions to take; if verify that die does need resinking, do so per TOP-SINKR, get estimate of time frame and notify Foreman and Production Scheduler of delay.
b8 Engineering Manager Upon receiving Die Improvement Slip Die Improvement Slip; own judgment Review Die Improvement Slip, possibly after die change has been tried in production, and if agree that the improvement needs to be remembered at the next resink, put in file with Die Layout in Engineering File; take whatever action deemed appropriate
c1 Foreman* As identify different hammer preference for jobs Own ideas, others' suggestions Change hammer preference in M2M
c2 Any manager (typically Foreman or QC Supervisor) Upon having suggestions to improve next run of job (or to record problems to watch for) Own ideas, others' suggestions Notify Forging Engineer of Traveler changes and make appropriate necessary updates in M2M.
c3 QC Supervisor Upon notification of change to the Traveler Notes received on required changes to Traveler Update Traveler to reflect any suggested areas of concern on the next run
*"Foreman" as used in this procedure refers especially to the Production Supervisor or Leadman, but in some cases may involve VP-Manufacturing **Die Impression Cast Approval Letter will eventually replace Dies info, but until then information entered in both programs.

Revision history:

Release Date

Description of Change




Updated to comply with revised Quality Manual and new TOPs format.

Tim Ellis

Todd Sheppard

Documents are controlled only when viewed on-line at in the original English -- printed copies or translations are not controlled documents.
? Trinity Forge & Machine