Trinity Operating Procedures - TOPs

TOP-TRAIN: Training Program

Rev: 12/06/2017

Scope: This procedure covers the employee training.program.


Our goal is to get new employees fully trained without delay, to keep all employees current with the company's developing needs, and to assist people in moving up in the organization.

Each employee is subject to two "tracks" of training. The first track is for the individual, simply as a generic team member, with minimal regard to the person's position. The second track specifically addresses the team position(s) the person fills. Each track has introductory, intermediate and advanced training.

After the application process has been satisfied (see TOP-APLIC), each new employee receives training in safety and basic information about Trinity Forge and employee benefits (see TFTP-ANY1). Then the employee receives job-specific training in the team position(s) he/she fills. (At first he/she receives introductory training in the concepts and safety issues of their particular job; then begins on-the-job training, an intermediate stage which may progress for a significant period of time). After he/she has been employed at Trinity Forge for an extended period he/she may choose to pursue advanced training, which can include college course work, management development, or simply personal development such as reading skills. This level of training also helps the employee prepare for job advancement, as opportunities present themselves.

The merit review cycle is tied in with the employee's training program, so that as part of the review process-training plans can be made and progress tracked toward those plans. However, training is an integral part of the merit review cycle, and will be a prerequisite to subsequent promotions.

Since the nature of work at Trinity Forge involves filling multiple team positions, an individual may simultaneously be at different levels of training in different positions. For example, a recently-promoted QA Manager might be pursuing advanced training in quality (the QC Inspector team position), intermediate training in supervisory skills (the QA Manager team position), and introductory training in internal auditing (the Internal Auditor team position).


1 HR Manager As new team members are hired or re-assigned Application, resume, other background records, TFTPs, TFTMs Decide what background achievements will be accepted for what education and record in the Personnel File and Training File; determine what training will be required immediately (note: regardless of position, all new team members must fulfill the training requirements of TFTP-ANY1).
2 Team member's Supervisor or Manager with HR Manager As identify special training needs for individual team member* Personal observation or objective evidence, Training File, Employee Review Identify specific training needs of the team member; work together to tailor a specialized training program for the team member's needs and file in the employee's Personnel File.
3 Training Coordinator As team members receive training Training Record; Training File Verify and record ongoing training achievements for each team member; verify that all Training Records clearly show who received training, who provided it, when it was provided and what material was covered; scan each Training Record, file in Training File, then destroy paper form
4 HR Manager Per training plan in  Personnel File (possibly immediately after step 3) Personnel File; Training File Determine the effectiveness of the training based on employee probationary or annual performance review; if training has not proven effective, return to step 2

* Special training needs are routinely considered as team members complete Training Modules and also as they receive probationary and annual reviews.

Revision history:

Release Date

Description of Change




Updated to comply with revised Quality Manual and new TOPs format. DIscussion of corporate-level training concerns were removed. Information from TOP-TRECS was incorporated in and TOP-TRECS was eliminated.

Tim Ellis

Todd Sheppard

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? Trinity Forge & Machine