Trinity Forge Training Module

TFTM-HMSU: Hammer Set-Up

Rev: 12/06/2017

Taught by: Production Supervisor (Foreman), Hammerman

Objective: To instruct and review set-up techniques. Educate hammermen/crews of the economic implication for the company on the efficiency of set-ups.

Syllabus: Three sessions....

bullet Session addressing overall techniques and time saving habits and procedures.
bullet Session reviewing a set-up that has been filmed showing that crew in action (this may be better if all crew members attend)
bullet Low-key session that deals more with what is happening from an economic impact to the company when a set-up is done without undue delays.

Completion: Sign off by teacher that employee has been instructed and that employee has a good understanding of why set-ups are so important in the production scheme.


Revision history:

Release Date

Description of Change




Format updated to comply with new TFTM standard, but no content change .

Tim Ellis

Todd Sheppard

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