Trinity Operating Procedures - TOPs
TOP-SXHAR: Policies Pertaining to Sexual Harassment and Proper Use of Information and Communication Systems
Rev: 12/06/2017
Scope: Statement of policies pertaining to sexual harassment and proper use of information and communication systems.
Harassment based on sex,race,
color, religion, national origin, age, disability and other
protected characteristics is against the law. It is against Company
policy for any employee, supervisor, manager, or executive to sexually
harass or engage in other unlawful harassment. Sexual harassment has
been defined as unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors,
and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1)
submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a
term or condition of an individual's employment, (2) submission to or
rejection of such conduct by an individual is used on the basis for
employment decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such conduct has
the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's
work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
work environment. Points (1) and (2) mean
that sexual favors -- solicited, granted or rejected -- should play no
role in the hiring and personnel decisions of management. Points (3) prohibits
conduct, based on sex, that makes it unreasonably difficult for an
individual to do work. It is important to understand that this
prohibition falls equally on those in both supervisory and non
supervisory positions. Sexually-oriented
"kidding around," which includes telling off-color jokes, making
suggestive comments, or using raunchy language, can be considered
offensive and is sometimes viewed as sexually harassing by others. Even
if these statements were not directed at those offended, having to
listen to sexually-oriented remarks can sometimes be harassment. Be aware that what one
person considers "having fun" can sometimes rise to the level of sexual
harassment. Sexual harassment can
take forms other than offensive language. Written examples include
suggestive or obscene letters, notes, and illustrations. Physical
examples include assault, touching, impeding or blocking movements,
sexually-oriented gestures, or display of sexually suggestive objects.
See also "Trinity Forge Information and Communications System Policy" below for more information dealing
with use of e-mail and other information systems. All managerial and
non-managerial employees of the Company are expected to avoid any
behavior or conduct toward any other employee which could be
interpreted as harassment. Managers and supervisors
are prohibited from dating any subordinates and calls for disciplinary
action up to and including termination. Harassment of employees
by non-employees of the Company, such as vendor personnel and others
having dealings with the Company also will not be tolerated. COMPLAINTS If any employee observes
or experiences any form of harassment, the employee has a duty to
provide a written complaint to his or her supervisor or any manager as
soon as possible. The complaint should be specific and should include
the names of the individuals involved and the names of any witnesses
who will be interviewed in confidentiality. The company, with the
assigned investigators, will immediately undertake an effective,
thorough, and objective investigation and attempt to resolve the
situation. If the complaint relates to the employee's supervisor, the
employee has a duty to provide a complaint to the HR Manager so that
appropriate action can be taken. If
management determines that an individual has violated this policy, that
individual will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination. The company will not
retaliate against any who file a legitimate complaint, nor will the
company or management retaliate in any way against the falsely accused.
Also the company will treat false complaints as harassment. The Company desires to
protect the confidentiality of an employee who believes this policy has
been violated, and it also desires to protect the reputation of any
employee against whom a complaint is wrongfully made. The company
however, cannot guarantee confidentiality. Consequently, it is the
intention of this policy that information about a complaint not be
released by management of the Company to third parties or to anyone
within the Company who is not involved in the investigation.
This is the Company's policy on access to and disclosure of electronic
mail messages sent or received by company employees who use the
electronic mail system and on the proper use of the electronic mail
system generally. This policy may be changed at any time. The
electronic mail and other information systems of the Company are not to
be used in a way that may be disruptive, offensive to others or harmful
to morale.
There is to be no display or transmission of sexually explicit images,
messages, or cartoons. There is to be no transmission or use of e-mail
communications that contain ethnic slurs, racial epithets, or anything
that may be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on
their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability,
or religious or political beliefs. Violation of this policy will result
in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination.
In general, employees should use the information systems for Company
business, however, limited personal use within the bounds of this
policy is also allowed. The e-mail system should not be used to solicit
or proselytize other for commercial ventures, religious or political
causes, outside organizations, or other non-job-related solicitations.
All messages are Company records. The Company reserves the right to
access and disclose all messages sent over its electronic mail system
for any purpose. By using e-mail access provided, every employee agrees
that he or she is aware of this policy. Also, for privacy reasons,
employees should not attempt to gain access to another employee's
personal file of e-mail messages without the latter's permission.
However, Company management reserves the rights to enter an employee's
e-mail files whenever there is a business need to do so.
Revision history:
Release Date |
Description of Change |
Owner |
Approver |
12/06/2017 |
Updated to comply with revised Quality Manual and new TOPs format. |
Tim Ellis |
Todd Sheppard |