Trinity Forge Training Module

TFTM-SYRD: Steelyard Inventory Control

Rev: 12/06/2017

Taught by: Steelyard Supervisor

Objective: To explain the principles of inventory control and how the computer can be a great tool to store and retrieve information.

With Emphasis on:
bullet Importance of deleting steel from inventory via cutting tickets
bullet Importance of this information being accurate and timely
bullet Use of the computer to check steel usage and other items

Syllabus: Two sessions teaching the importance of maintaining an accurate inventory and how the computer can be a n invaluable tool in helping maintain updated records that various teams members can access for their own needs

Completion: Sign off by teacher that employee has a good understanding of the inventory and the computer


Revision history:

Release Date

Description of Change




Format updated to comply with new TFTM standard, but no content change .

Tim Ellis

Todd Sheppard

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