Rev: 12/06/2017
QC Supervisor,
QA Manager
To instruct employees designated to the task of
identifying non-conforming parts on how to do it and what to do next.
One session showing employees the various forging
flaws that could be identified by visual inspection and the steps
necessary to segregate
good parts from bad parts. Three weeks of hands on inspection
training under the
supervision of the QC Supervisor or Post Forge Supervisor.
Sign off by teacher that employee has been
instructed and has a good understanding of how to control good and
non-conforming parts.
Employees assigned to inspecting parts are instructed
to place those parts that they think are non-conforming on a reject
table. QC Supervisor and Post Forge Supervisor upon further inspection
determine which parts to scrap and which parts
to put on non-conformance area of warehouse. (specifically designated